Star batter Virat Kohli is all set for Delhi’s Ranji Trophy game against the Railways on Thursday, his domestic appearance being the first since 2012. The reentry of Kohli into the domestic within the context of the Championships has thrilled the fans who seem eager to catch a glimpse of the superstar in action for Delhi.
The Delhi and District Cricket Association expects more than 10,000 spectators to enter the Arun Jaitley Stadium, hoping to see the star perform for their side. The DDCA cleared up that fans will be allowed free entry to watch the game, but will need to have their Aadhar Cards to enter.
“The Gautam Gambhir Stand will be thrown open for the spectators. The fans can enter from Gate No 16 and 17. Gate No 6 will also be open for DDCA members and guests. We are expecting 10,000 crowds on the first day,” said the secretary of DDCA, Ashok Kumar Sharma.
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“It’s free; they all need to carry their Aadhar card-original copy and a photocopy as well,” he added smartly.
“The arrangements for the fans would be made. It’ll be like any international or IPL match,” Sharma added.
“This is not just any ordinary Ranji Trophy match. Our Cheeku is playing,” Sharma said.
“We have requested the Delhi Police for extra security forces for the next four days. We’ll also have our private security,” the DDCA secretary added.