Durbar Rajshahi, a BPL franchise, is accused by its local players of the non-payment of fees for the ongoing 2025 season. The overseas players and the coaching staff on the other hand, have been paid 25 percent of the fees on January 6 only. The non-payment of the initial 25 percent has led to the local players going on strike on Monday, January 13.
The players had conveyed to the team management about not having a practice session. In the condition of anonymity, the players also told ESPNcricinfo that the team owner, Shafique Rehman kept shifting the date of payment several times. After getting to know about the situation, Bangladesh Cricket Board president Faruque Ahmed spoke to the board directors and then, had a conversation with Rehman.
Apart from Rehman, team captain Anamul Haque and several other players were part of the meeting. Till the time when Manjur Alam briefed the media about the incident on Monday, the deadlock remained. Alam said that the players decided to resume their training after the negotiations.
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“I am speaking on behalf of the BCB president,” Manjur said. “The board president called an emergency board meeting on Zoom. I was physically present, the other directors were online. Negotiations are in process. Hopefully we can come to a solution tomorrow. The president spoke directly to the team owners, captain and players. We have a positive vibe from all parties. They will attend practice tomorrow, which is the most positive part of the negotiation.”
Durbar Rajshahi apologises for non-payment of fees
The franchise, on January 15, apologised for the non-payment of players’ fees and promised to clear the payment on Thursday, January 16. Jayed Ahmed, the operation in-charge, has apologised for the inconvenience caused to the players.
“We are committed from the team management to all cricketers that we will pay them by January 16 and the not practicing is not related with it,” Jayed said in a statement that was provided by the team management on later Wednesday, January 15.
The Bangladesh Premier League has an old history of non-payment of fees to players and coaches. Former Dhaka Gladiators coach Ian Pont, back in 2012, revealed that his fees, flight expenses and several other expenses were not reimbursed.