Batting luminary Virat Kohli shared a warm interaction with a fourth-grade boy on Tuesday morning during his practice session with the Delhi Ranji team before his much-hyped return for the Ranji Trophy. This will be Kohli’s first time playing for Delhi in a Ranji Trophy match in almost 12 years, as he is included in the playing XI for the upcoming match against the Railways starting on January 30.
This student, Kabir, is the son of Kohli’s former Delhi U-17 and U-19 teammate, Shavez.
Kabir came with a sketch of ‘Uncle Virat’ and asked the former national captain what it would take for him to get into the national side.
such a heartwarming and inspiring little conversation 🫶🥹
— 𝒑. 💌 (@ssnoozefest) January 28, 2025
“We need to work hard. You should not have to ask for practice and training from your father, right? You should wake up and say, ‘I want to go for practice, I want to go to training. And if someone practices for an hour, you should practice for two hours,’” replied Kohli.
“There is one way, understood? Someone makes a fifty, you could make a hundred. Someone makes a hundred, you could make a double-hundred. Whatever the benchmark is, this needs to be twice the benchmark. If anyone is ever to pull it out, then totally not cracking the wind-“You can rest one day”-Shavez said. Stay in constant hard work and continue to enjoy hard play.”(It’s just a different mark. If someone makes fifty, he has to be destined for a hundred. And in case of hundred-that’s double hundred. So, whatever mark has been put, make efforts to move ahead and track up, understood?)” he added.
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Since coming from the same city, Shavez has been Kohli’s old buddy now.
“We had our association with BDM and we used to pick bats for us going with each other.” Shavez stated.