Tamil Nadu opening batter Narayan Jagadeesan has hit six fours in an over in the ongoing match against Rajasthan in Vijay Hazare Trophy 2024-25. The incident happened in the second innings of the ongoing game. Tamil Nadu were 15/0 after the first over. In the second over bowled by Aman Singh Shekhawat, he conceded 29 runs against TN.
The over started with Shekhawat conceding five wides. In the next six balls, the right-hander, Jagadeesan hit as many fours on all parts of the ground. At the time of writing, the former CSK and KKR player has notched his half-century and his team is 80/2 in 13.2 overs. Shekhawat, who bowled the unfateful over, is yet to bowl another over in the game.
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— BCCI Domestic (@BCCIdomestic) January 9, 2025
29-run over! 😮
N Jagadeesan smashed 6⃣ fours off 6⃣ balls in the second over to provide a blistering start for Tamil Nadu 🔥#VijayHazareTrophy | @IDFCFIRSTBank
Scorecard ▶️ https://t.co/pSVoNE63b2 pic.twitter.com/JzXIAUaoJt
Talking about the match, TN won the toss and bowled first at the newly inaugurated Kotambi Stadium, Vadodara. After losing Sachin Yadav early, the likes of Mahipal Lomror (60) and Abhijeet Tomar (111) helped the team reach 184/1. However, after losing the wicket of Lomror, Rajasthan went downhill from 184/1 to 267 all-out.
Narayan Jagadeesan went unsold in IPL 2025 mega auction
The 29-year-old went unsold during the IPL 2025 mega auction. He was part of Chennai Super Kings in 2020 and 2021 seasons. In the previous mega auction in 2022, the wicketkeeper batter went to Kolkata Knight Riders and was part of the team till 2023. He would like to prove a point in the ongoing Vijay Hazare Trophy. Jagadeesan has a great record in First Class and List A cricket. He averages more than 45 in both One Day and four-day format.